Tshirts, Hoodies and More… FINALLY!



Ponce here…

We worked our butts off and finally got the Tshirt store working. Me and bro did a lot of designs and got some cool stuff like buttons and stickers and other stuff and I hope you guys like all of it.

My favorite tshirt is PONCHE’ and also Dirty Poncey. And I love the stickers too. I hope everybody digs it cause it’s groovy.

So go check it out and rock on – Ponce

PONCHE' is my favorite - Ponce

SAP here…

First off, I would just like to make something very clear to all the Retarded Policeman fans out there. And also clear for people who are still on the fence as to why we are no longer making episodes with Greg Benson/mediocrefilms.

  • Mediocrefilms has sold THOUSANDS of dollars worth of RETARDED POLICEMAN merchandise.
  • Ponce IS the Retarded Policeman. The series was created FOR HIM, regardless of what Greg Benson has decided to claim nearly 70 million views later.
  • I, SAP, designed ALL THE T-SHIRTS, BUTTONS, STICKERS that he continues to sell.
  • Greg Benson has paid us NOTHING for any RP merchandise sold (including DVD)

I busted my ass designing that Retarded Policeman merchandise. Including setting up the photo shoot that ended up being the artwork for DVD… which we have also received ZERO compensation for, and he has sold thousands of dollars worth of those as well.

We were supposed to split everything 50/50.

I hope this paints a clearer picture of why we cannot continue to work under those circumstances with those kinds of business practices as standard of operations.



As Ponce said, we finally got our own Tshirts, buttons, stickers and other goodies made and are finally launching our store. Again, much ass was busted designing these little wonders and Ponce was a great help in the whole process too. We made everything very personal and fun.

Also, we decided to give FREE signed postcards with every order. That’s something we plan on doing as long as we are alive and kicking. We built this store for the fans, and we hope you guys like everything we have made for you. It is 100% our blood, sweat, and tears in every item. We have kept the prices low and will continue to keep them that way.

So please, check out all the goodies, if you like something, go for it. Pass it on to your friends and spread the Perry Brother love around the world.


RELATED POST: Filling in (a few of) the Blanks about Retarded Policeman

6 thoughts on “Tshirts, Hoodies and More… FINALLY!

  1. Ugh… it just makes me so sad (and mad) that you guys got so screwed over by Benson.

    I put in a small order… (It was tough enough to convince my wife to order the DVD last year).

    If a more family friendly autograph picture could be sent (than the Naked Perry Bros on a couch) it would be _greatly_ appreciated.

    Stay strong boys.

  2. jengonzalez says:

    My “Dirty Poncey” hoodie & naked Perry Brothers postcard is on it’s way…Merry Christmas to me 😉 Looking forward to the goodies and wishing you both a wonderful holiday.

  3. jakadd11 says:

    One of 50 million viewers who really enjoyed all your work. Don’t stop believing in yourselves you’ve shown 50 million viewers or so exactly what you’re capable of. Hope to see RP back on the beat powertrippin sometime soon. In the meantime take care of each other.

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